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International Seminar AASPP-Misasa

Magmatic gases, their trip from the mantle to the surface of the Earth

27 February, 2006, Misasa, Japan

First Circular

Misasa, 10 October, 2005

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the first international seminar AASPP-Misasa (Asia-Africa Science Platform Program sponsored by JSPS) on "Magmatic gases, their trip from the mantle to the surface of the Earth". Emphasis is placed on the geochemistry of the Lake Nyos gas disaster, Cameroon Volcanic Line-Rift Valley volcanoes and the underlying mantle. The seminar will be held in Misasa, Japan, on 27 February, 2006, sponsored by Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University (ISEI) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

The oral and poster sessions are organized for the seminar. The oral sessions will be devoted to the invited speakers, who are currently Aka, F.T., Bernard, A., Evans, W.C., Notsu, K., Saito, G., Shinohara, H., Tanyileke, G., Taran, Y., Varekamp, J.C., and Yokoyama, T. At the seminar, a special talk by Minoru Kusakabe, who has been working in geochemistry of crater lakes and magmatic-hydrothermal systems, is planned, for he is retiring from ISEI at the end of March 2006. The banquet which will be held after the seminar in the evening on 27th February contains an element to celebrate Prof. Kusakabe's retirement. If you are interested in the above subject, you are cordially invited and can present your poster at the seminar. Poster presenters should inform the organizers of their wish via e-mail as soon as possible, preferrably by 23rd November, for the organizers need to know the number of attendees to secure the cost for the domestic (i.e., in-Japan) trip. It will be covered by ISEI's collaboration fund. Those who wish to participate only in the seminar and banquet (i.e., without presentation) are also requested to inform of their intention to the organizers via e-mail by 23rd November, for they need to secure the necessary accommodation.

Registration fees will be ¥10,000 and will include refreshments, a lunch and banquet. You are requested to pay the registration fees only in Japanese yen on-site.

The second circular, including registration and abstract submission as well as accommodations information, will be available by the end of November, 2005 in this website. The abstract deadline will be 31 January, 2006.

ISEI is now intensively promoting the establishment of an international research center for solid earth sciences focused on the origin, evolution and dynamics of the Earth according to the 21st Century COE program (COE-21, Program leader: Prof. Eizo Nakamura) sponsored by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT). The international seminar AASPP-Misasa is aimed at achieving a common goal with that of the COE-21 program.

We look forward to seeing you in Misasa.

Minoru Kusakabe (, and
Shigeru Yamashita (
Organizers of the Seminar
Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University
Misasa, Tottori-ken 682-0193, Japan
Tel: +81-858-43-3737 (M.K.) and -3738 (S.Y.)
Fax: +81-858-43-2184 and -3450