2nd International AASPP Seminar

(Cameroon Volcanic Line-East African Rift Valley Volcanoes and the Underlying Mantle)

(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, December 17-18, 2006)

First circular

Themes of the seminar

We are pleased to announce the organization of the second International AASPP (Asia-Africa Science Platform Program) Seminar on “the Cameroon Volcanic Line-East African Rift Valley Volcanoes and the Underlying Mantle” (CVLEARVVUM) scheduled to hold in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania on December 17 - 18, 2006. The seminar is envisaged as a discussion forum on the current state of scientific knowledge and understanding of the Cameroon Line and East African Rift systems. Themes to be addressed in the seminar regarding these two volcanic systems include (a) Geological & Geophysical studies (b) Geodynamic evolution and magmatogenetic processes (c) Geohazards (d) Paleoenvironments and impact on human development (e) Geothermal, hydrocarbon, water, and mineral resources.

Seminar Organization

Organizing Committee
International organizing committee
Eizo Nakamura (eizonak@misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp)
Aka Festus (akatongw@misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp; akatongwa@yahoo.com)
Yoshiko Nakano (aaspp@phesasant.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp)
Charles Messo (wamesso@yahoo.com)
Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior
Okayama University at Misasa
Tottori 682-0913 JAPAN
Tel: +81-858-43-3789
Fax: +81-858-43-2184

Local organizing committee
Makenya Maboko (mmaboko@uccmail.co.tz)
University of Dar es Salaam, Department of Geology
P.O Box. 35052, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA
Tel: 255 22 2410013

Seminar Sponsorship

The seminar is being sponsored by the Okayama University Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior (ISEI) in Misasa and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Seminar arrangements

The seminar program will consist of oral talks, poster presentation and 2 field trips. The official language during the seminar will be English. There may be some key note lectures.

Oral talks and keynotes

Oral talks will have duration of about 15 Minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion, while about 50 minutes will be allowed for Key notes, plus 10 minutes for discussion.


Posters will be put up on the morning of seminar day before the oral session starts and will be displayed during the whole period of the seminar. The maximum poster size will be 90 cm (width) x 180 cm (height).


One of the main aims of CVLEARVVUM project is to document in detail, the compositional make-up and geodynamic development of upper mantle and crustal domains in these 2 important volcanic systems of the African continent. Two fieldtrips will be organized simultaneously after the seminar to (1) The Achaean Tanzanian craton and (2) the Pleistocene alkaline volcanic field of Northern Tanzania. The Achaean Tanzanian craton consists of six major Green Stone Belts (GSB), one high-grade metamorphic terrain and syn/post tectonic granitoids. In an on-going post graduate study of the Tanzanian craton, samples were collected from only 1 GSB unit. In the current fieldtrip, sampling will be extended to cover the whole craton. The aim of fieldtrip (2) is to collect lower crustal and mantle (garnet-bearing/garnet-free dunites, harzburgites, Iherzolites, wehrlites and pyroxenites) that are embedded in ankaramites and carbonatites of Lashaine, Labait, Olmani and Pello Hill volcanoes of the Tertiary volcanic field in Northern Tanzania. A detail day to day program of the field trips will be available in subsequent circulars. At registration, participants are expected to choose which of the two fieldtrips they will like to participate in. A field guide will be provided to participants before departure. (Changes have been made on this so please see 2nd circular)

Ice breaker party

Ice breaker party will hold on the 17th after the registration.

Seminar banquet

A banquet will be held after the seminar on the 18th. Banquet tickets will be issued at registration on the 17th evening and 18th morning.



Registration for the seminar can only be done electronically through an online registration form. A confirmation will automatically be emailed to you when your registration is successful. If you do not receive this confirmation within 24 hr, please contact the organizers via email. The deadline for online registration is fixed for October 31, 2006 at 12 noon (JT) (extended until Monday Novenber 13, at 23:59 JT). The registration desk at the seminar center will open for 2 hours from 16:30 on Sunday December 17th and from 07:30 in the morning of December 18th.

Seminar documentation will be provided at the time of registration. It is advisable to pay the registration fee before you arrive in Dar es Salaam, but if you wish to register on arrival, please pay the registration fee in cash, preferably in Tanzanian Shillings or in Euro or Dollar. Seminar registration fees include: abstract volume, lunch and icebreaker party. Field trip fees include: field guide, transport, accommodation and meals.

No registration fee needed.

Abstract submission


Abstracts should be prepared as PDF files, based on the following format: Page setting must be A4 paper with portrait orientation. All margins should be more than 20mm. The abstract (including any figures/photos) must not exceed two pages. Type the title, authors' names and affiliations including e-mail addresses in brackets. This should be followed by body text, figures, tables etc. Grayscale figures and photos can be embedded in abstracts.

Mode of submission

Abstracts should be submitted using an online abstract submission form available in semiar website (updated: submit as a MS-Word attached file to akatongw@misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp).

The abstract submission deadline is 15 November, 2006 (extended until Friday November 24, at 23:59 JT).

General Information

Venue of Seminar

The seminar will be held in Dar es Salaam (University hall?), the capital of Tanzania. Tanzania covers an area of 945,000 sq. km, being one of the largest countries in Africa. It is a union (formed in 1964) between the mainland (Tanganyika), and the Zanzibar Isles consisting of Unguja (also known as Zanzibar) and Pemba. It lies on the east coast of Africa, between 1degree and 11degrees south of the Equator. It is bordered to the north by Kenya and Uganda, to the west by Zaire, Rwanda, Burundi and Zambia, and to the south are Malawi and Mozambique. Tanzania comprises coastal lowland, volcanic highlands and the Great Rift Valley and includes within its territory, Africa's highest peak (Mt. Kilimanjaro). Tanzania is the only country in the world which has allocated at least 25 per cent of its total area to wildlife national parks and protected areas. The 55,000 sq. km Selous Game Reserve is the largest single wildlife area in Africa.

More detail information about the venue will be available in the second circular.

Visa requirements

Valid passport and visa are required of every visitor. Exempted from visa requirements are citizens of the Commonwealth, Scandinavian countries and the Republic of Ireland. But visitors from the following Commonwealth countries are required to have valid entry visas - United Kingdom, Canada, Nigeria, or India. Visas may be obtained from any Tanzanian diplomatic mission. The visa fee depends on the type of passport held. A visitors' pass is required of all travelers. This can be obtained free from any Tanzanian embassy, or on arrival at any of the country's entry points.


Most people fly into Dar es Salaam, but there are also international flights to Kilimanjaro International Airport and to Zanzibar. Airlines serving Tanzania include, Air Tanzania, Alliance, an associate of South Africa Airlines, Aeroflot, Air Zimbabwe, Air India, Air France, British Airways, Egypt Air, Ethiopian Airlines, Gulf Air, Kenya Airways, KLM, Royal Swazi, Swissair, Emirates and AeroZambia. The national carrier, Air Tanzania, serves all internal routes, and has daily flights to Zanzibar. Privately operated light aircraft companies provide services between the mainland and the offshore islands of Pemba and Unguja (Zanzibar). Participants who make their travel schedules known to the organizing committee will be picked up from the Dar es Salaam International Airport to their hotels. Note that a USD 20 departure tax in cash is payable by all passengers departing on international flights. Departure from Zanzibar into a destination within Tanzania, the tax is TShs.200. An additional 10 per cent of the ticket value will be paid as sales tax on all tickets issued in Zanzibar.


The Tanzania shilling (TSHS), divided into 100 cents, is the national currency. It is illegal to import /export the currency. Visitors may bring in as much foreign currency as they wish, and no currency declaration form is required. Foreign currency may be changed at authorized banks, forex bureaux and hotels. Credit cards (Access, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Eurocard, and Dinners) may be accepted by top hotels around the country. PTA travelers' cheques, or those in Sterling pounds, US dollars or rand are recommended. 1 USD = 1273.64 TShs; 1 Euro = 1591.028 TShs (National Bank of Commerce rates as of August 6, 2006). Banks and forex bureaux are available at the airport and in all main towns. Banking hours: Monday - Friday 08:30 - 15:00; Saturdays 08:30 - 12:00 Visitors to Zanzibar are required to pay for their expenses in cash. Any amount of foreign currency brought into Zanzibar must be declared at the airport. The currency may be exchanged at the National Bank of Commerce or with an authorized dealer and the receipt obtained should be preserved until the time of departure.

Climate and weather information

Tropical weather prevails over most of Tanzania. The coastal area (including Dar es Salaam) is hot and humid. In the northern circuit (including Arusha) cool weather prevails from May to September. The hottest months for the whole country are from October to February. The long rains are from March to May, and the short rains from October to November. On the coast, it rains in November and December and from March to May. Coastal areas and the islands have tropical climate, whereas the central plateau is semi-arid and the highlands are semi-temperature.


While doctors and dentists are available in many parts of the country, the major hospitals are located in the main towns (e.g. Dar es Salaam). It is recommended that visitors bring sufficient supplies of any drugs they need regularly, and carry medical insurance.

Malaria in malignant falciparum form is endemic below the 1,800m and precautions should be taken both when visitors are in Tanzania, and for several weeks after departure. It is therefore necessary to take prophylactics, and advisable to be vaccinated against typhoid fever, tetanus, tuberculosis, and similar communicable diseases.

HIV/AIDS occurs worldwide but is not transmitted through casual contact, the ingestion of food or water, by insects or by animals. Infection is through sexual intercourse with infected individuals, use of infected blood or blood products, or use of unsterilized contaminated instruments (e.g. syringes and needles) to inject materials or pierce the skin. HIV infection is prevented by avoiding such activities.

It is not advisable to drink water directly from the tap, but you can buy bottled mineral water at cheap prices everywhere. Swimming in rivers, ponds, or dams should be done with local advice as they may be infected with bilharzias.

Watch out for the second circular on this website

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