Piston-cylinder apparatus

Kushiro-type press 4-post end-loaded press
Our piston-cylinder lab is comprised of two presses ('Kushiro-type press' and '4 post end-loaded press') used for experiments in the range of 0.5 to 3.5 GPa and at temperatures up to ~2500 degree C. Both presses accommodate 1/2 or 3/4 inch pressure cells.
machine specifications:
- the 'Kushiro-type' press: a 3-post end-loaded press (~ 200 tons) designed for an 8 inch pressure plate (bomb); the end-load and primary-load rams are nested and are driven from the bottom.
- the 4-post end-loaded press: the end-load ram is top-driven and the primary-load ram is bottom-driven; both rams have automated pressure control.
- mineral-melt-fluid equilibria in lower crust and upper mantle
person(s) whom users should contact: Shigeru YAMASHITA