Electron micro probe analyzer JXA-8800

Electron micro probe analyzer JXA-8800
machine specifications:
- Detector : WDX (4 channels)
- Crystals and Elements :
Ch1 : TAP (Kα1:8O∼15P, Lα1:24Cr∼41Nb, Mα1:46Pd∼79Au) LDE2 (Kα1:5B∼8O) Ch2 : TAP (Kα1:8O∼15P, Lα1:24Cr∼41Nb, Mα1:46Pd∼79Au) LDE1 (Kα1:6C∼10Ne) Ch3 : PET-HS (Kα1:14Si∼22Ti, Lα1:37Rb∼56Ba, Mα1:72Hf∼92U) LIF-HS (Kα1:20Ca∼32Ge, Lα1:50Sn∼79Au) Ch4 : PET (Kα1:13Al∼25Mn, Lα1:36Kr∼65Tb, Mα1:70Yb∼92U) LIF (Kα1:19K∼37Rb, Lα1:48Cd∼92U) - Filament : W
- Acceleration Voltage : 0.2∼40 kV
- Beam current : 10-12∼10-5 A
- Beam diameter : <1 µm (variable)
- Analysis : Qualitative, Quantitative, Line, Mapping (Area)
- Standard materials :
Si : Quartz (SiO2), Wollastonite (CaSiO3) Ti : Rutile (TiO2), Pyrophanite (MnTiO3) Al : Corundum (Al2O3) Fe : Hematite (Fe2O3), Fayalite (Fe2SiO4) Mn : Manganosite (MnO), Pyrophanite (MnTiO3) Mg : Periclase (MgO), Forsterite (Mg2SiO4), Enstatite (MgSiO3) Ca : Wollastonite (CaSiO3) Na : Albite (NaAlSi3O8), Jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) K : K-Feldspar (KAlSi3O8) Cr : Eskolaite (Cr2O3) Co : Cobalt Oxide (CoO) Ni : Nickel Oxide (NiO) Pb : Galena (PbS)
- Analysis of chamical compositions of minerals in natural and synthetic samples.
person(s) whom users should contact: Tatsuki Tsujimori