High-temperature, high-pressure apparatus
- 6-axis high-pressure apparatus, 6UHP-70(Yamazaki)
- KAWAI-type multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus, USSA-5000(Yoshino)
- KAWAI-type multi-anvil high-pressure apparatus, USSA-1000(Yamazaki)
- High pressure apparatus with DIA-type guide blocks (UHP-2000/20, AMAGAEL)
- DIA-type multi-anvil press with deformation facility(Yamazaki)
- Piston-cylinder apparatuses (Yamashita, Yoshino, Xue)
- Internally heated pressure vessel (Yamashita)
- Cold-seal hydrothermal apparatuses (Xue)
- Externally heated diamond anvil cells (Yamashita, Xue, Mashino)
- Diamond anvil cells (Mashino)
X-ray analytical equipment and Electron Microscope
- Powder X-ray diffractometer Rigaku SmartLab (Yoshino)
- Micro-focused X-ray diffractometer Rigaku RintRapid II (Yoshino)
- X-ray fluorescence spectrometer PANalytical Axios Advanced (Kitagawa)
- Electron probe micro analyzer JXA-8800 (Yamashita, Yoshino)
- Field-emission Electron probe micro analyzer JXA-8530F (Kunihiro)
- Field-emission Electron probe microanalyzer with Soft X-ray Spectrum Detector JXA-
8530F (Yoshino)
- Low Vacuum Field-emission SEM JSM-7001F with EDS (Kunihiro)
- Scanning Electron Microscope JSM-7001F with EBSD and EDS (Yamazaki)
- Transmission Electron Microscope JEM-7001F (Kobayashi)
Mass spectrometers
- Multi-collector ICP-MS: Thermo Fisher Scientific Neptune plus (Kobayashi)
- ICP-MS: Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP TQ (Kitagawa)
- TIMS: Thermo Fisher Scientific Triton plus (Tanaka)
- HR-SIMS: Cameca IMS-1280HR (Kunihiro)
- Gas-MS: MAT 253 IRMS (Tanaka)
- Gas-MS: Micromass VG 5400 (Kitagawa)
- Gas-MS: Thermo Fisher Scientific Helix (Kitagawa)
- Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Orbitrap Fusion) (Potiszil)
- GC-MS (Thermo Fisher Scientific TRACE 1310 & ISQ 7000) (Potiszil)
- NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance NEO 400 MHz (solid & liquid) (Xue)
- Micro-Raman spectrometers (Yamashita, Izawa)
- Low-frequency micro-Raman spectrometer (Xue)
- Near-infrared micro-Raman spectrometer (Xue)
- Ruby fluorescence pressure measurement microscope (Xue)
- Micro-FTIR with Raman spectrometer (Yamashita)
- Vacuum FTIR spectrometer (Yoshino)
Other instruments
- Focused Ion Beam Instrument JIB-4500 (CASTEM) (Kobayashi)
- Ion chromatographsi Metrohm Compact IC 761 (Kitagawa)
- Infrared laser micro-machining system (Yamazaki)
- UV laser micro-machining system (Yamazaki)
- Impedance/gain-phase analyzer (Yoshino)
- Sputtering system (Yamazaki)
- Wire-cut electrical discharge machining (Yamazaki)
- Diamond wire saw for dry/low-loss cutting (Izawa)
- HPLC (Thermo Fisher Scientific Vanquish) (Tanaka)
- High temperature conversion elemental analyzer (Tanaka)
- Combustion elemental analyzer (Tanaka)
- GC-IsoLink system (Tanaka)
- Laser fluorination system (Potiszil)
(C) IPM 2023