Abstract submission


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Abstract should be no longer than two printed pages (A4) in length including figures and references. Abstract can be submitted by the electronic submission form (closed).

Those who wish to include figures, tables, equations, and/or special characters in the abstract, please attach your abstract to an e-mail and send to symp@paleo.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp. We can accept document in LaTeX or Word format. As for the figures, we can accept jpeg, bmp, ps, tiff and gif formats. When including figures, please send them separately, rather than to include them embedded in a manuscript (such as encapsulated PS format).

If you wish to send the abstracts in a format different from the ones described above, please contact to symp@paleo.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp. In order to properly edit the abstract, please send a copy of hard prints via fax (+81-858-43-3450).

Deadline for the abstract is August 20.

Main || Invitation || Program || Registration || Abstract submission || Field trip
Meeting place || How to reach Kurayoshi || Presentation || Social program