
Publication lists

Publications 1994

  • Fujisawa, H., Ito, E., Ohtaka, O., Yamanaka, T., Elastic-wave velocities of high-density pressure-induced amorphous geo2, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 1499--1502, 1994.
  • Ishikawa, T., Nakamura, E., Origin of the slab component in arc lavas from across-arc variation of b and pb isotopes, Nature, 370, 205--208, 1994.
  • Kagayama, T., Oomi, G., Ito, E., Onuki, Y., Komatsubara, T., Volume-dependent gruneisen-parameter in the heavy-fermion compound ceincu2, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 63, 3927--3930, 1994.
  • Kawasaki, T., Ito, E., An experimental-determination of the exchange-reaction of fe2+ and mg2+ between olivine and ca-rich clinopyroxene, Am. Miner., 79, 461--477, 1994.
  • Kusakabe, M., Special issue - geochemistry of crater lakes - preface, Geochem. J., 28, 137--138, 1994.
  • Makishima, A., Masuda, A., Search for p-isotopic anomaly of cerium in the bulk allende meteorite, Geochem. J., 28, 115--122, 1994.
  • Makishima, A., Masuda, A., Ce isotope ratios of n-type morb, Chem. Geol., 118, 1--8, 1994.
  • Makishima, A., Nakamura, E., Review in zirconology. III. Rare-earth element geochemistry of zircon, J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol., 89, 1--14, 1994 (in Japanese).
  • Meade, C., Reffner, J.A., Ito, E., Synchrotron infrared absorbency measurements of hydrogen in mgsio3 perovskite, Science, 264, 1558--1560, 1994.
  • Mizota, C., Kusakabe, M., Spatial-distribution of delta-d-delta-o-18 values of surface and shallow groundwaters from japan, south-korea and east china, Geochem. J., 28, 387--410, 1994.
  • Nagao, K., Miura, Y.N., Trapped xe component in a silicate phase of the brenham pallasite, Meteoritics, 29, 509--509, 1994.
  • Nakakuki, T., Sato, H., Fujimoto, H., Interaction of the upwelling plume with the phase and chemical- boundary at the 670km discontinuity - effects of temperature- dependent viscosity, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 121, 369--384, 1994.
  • Ogoh, K., Yamanaka, C., Toyoda, S., Ikeya, M., Ito, E., Esr studies on radiation-induced defects in high-pressure phase sio2, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater.Atoms, 91, 331--333, 1994.
  • Ohizumi, T., Fukuzaki, N., Kusakabe, M., Contribution of various sulfur sources to atmospheric sulfate deposition in Niigata Prefecture, Japan, J. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 1994, 822--827, 1994 (in Japanese).
  • Ohki, J., Shuto, K., Kagami, H., Middle miocene bimodal volcanism by asthenospheric upwelling - sr and nd isotopic evidence from the back-arc region of the northeast japan arc, Geochem. J., 28, 473--487, 1994.
  • Sano, Y., Nagao, K., Pillinger, C.T., Carbon and noble-gases in archean chert, Chem. Geol., 112, 327--342, 1994.
  • Sato, H., H2o and magmatism in island are mantle inferred from seismic anelasticity and heat-flow data, J. Phys. Earth, 42, 439--453, 1994.
  • Sharp, T.G., Bussod, G.Y.A., Katsura, T., Microstructures in beta-mg1.8fe0.2sio4 experimentally deformed at transition-zone conditions, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 86, 69--83, 1994.
  • Tatsumi, Y., Furukawa, Y., Yamashita, S., Thermal and geochemical evolution of the mantle wedge in the NE Japan arc: I. contribution from experimental petrology, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 99, 22275--22284, 1994.
  • Yamashita, S., Tatsumi, Y., Thermal and geochemical evolution of the mantle wedge in the NE Japan arc: II. contribution from geochemistry, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 99, 22285--22294, 1994.
  • Uto, K., Takahashi, E., Nakamura, E., Kaneoka, I., Geochronology of alkali volcanism in oki-dogo island, southwest japan - geochemical evolution of basalts related to the opening of the japan sea, Geochem. J., 28, 431--449, 1994.