
Publication lists

Publications 1985

  • Chiba, H., Sakai, H., Oxygen isotope exchange-rate between dissolved sulfate and water at hydrothermal temperatures, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 49, 993--1000, 1985.
  • Fujisawa, H., Ito, E., Measurement of ultrasonic wave velocities of tungsten carbide as a standard material under high-pressures up to 8-gpa, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Part 1 - Regul. Pap. Short Notes Rev. Pap., 24, 103--105, 1985.
  • Hirabayashi, J., Kusakabe, M., A review on the chemical precursors of volcanic eruption, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Jpn., 30, 171--183, 1985 (in Japanese).
  • Kagami, H., Tainosho, Y., Iizumi, S., Hayama, Y., High initial sr-isotopic ratios of gabbro and metadiabase in the ryoke belt, southwest japan, Geochem. J., 19, 237--243, 1985.
  • Masuda, H., Sakai, H., Chiba, H., Tsurumaki, M., Geochemical characteristics of na-ca-cl-hco3 type waters in arima and its vicinity in the western kinki district, japan, Geochem. J., 19, 149--162, 1985.
  • Matsuo, S., Kusakabe, M., Niwano, M., Hirano, T., Oki, Y., Origin of thermal waters from the hakone geothermal system, japan, Geochem. J., 19, 27--44, 1985.
  • Sano, Y., Urabe, A., Wakita, H., Chiba, H., Sakai, H., Chemical and isotopic compositions of gases in geothermal fluids in iceland, Geochem. J., 19, 135--148, 1985.
  • Takahashi, E., Scarfe, C.M., Melting of peridotite to 14 gpa and the genesis of komatiite, Nature, 315, 566--568, 1985.
  • Uyama, F., Chiba, H., Kusakabe, M., Sakai, H., Sulfur isotope exchange-reactions in the aqueous system - thiosulfate-sulfide-sulfate at hydrothermal temperature, Geochem. J., 19, 301--315, 1985.
  • Weidner, D.J., Ito, E., Elasticity of mgsio3 in the ilmenite phase, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 40, 65--70, 1985.