
Publication lists

Publications 1993

  • Akaogi, M., Ito, E., Refinement of enthalpy measurement of mgsio3 perovskite and negative pressure-temperature slopes for perovskite-forming reactions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1839--1842, 1993.
  • Akaogi, M., Ito, E., Heat-capacity of mgsio3 perovskite, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 105--108, 1993.
  • Inoue, K., Satake, H., Wakamatsu, Y., Mizota, C., Kusakabe, M., Eolian dust origin of parent materials of the Red and Yellow Soil Group in the Nansei Syoto, Japan. - Oxygen and carbon isotopic ratios of quartz, muscovite and calcite isolated from soils, bedrocks, and piston cores -, The Quaternary Research, 32, 139--155, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Ishikawa, T., Nakamura, E., Boron isotope systematics of marine-sediments, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 117, 567--580, 1993.
  • Ito, E., High-pressure mineral physics - an inside view of the earth, Science, 262, 370--372, 1993.
  • Ito, E., Morooka, K., Ujike, O., Dissolution of k in molten iron at high-pressure and temperature, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 1651--1654, 1993.
  • Kagami, H., Iizumi, S., Iwata, M., Nureki, T., Sr-nd isotope systematics of xenoliths in cenozoic volcanic- rocks from sw japan, Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B-Phys. Biol. Sci., 69, 1--6, 1993.
  • Kawano, Y., Kagami, H., Rb-sr whole-rock and mineral isochron ages of granitic-rocks of the ryukyu-arc japan - plutonism before opening of the okinawa trough, Geochem. J., 27, 171--178, 1993.
  • Kita, I., Nagao, K., Taguchi, S., Nitta, K., Hasegawa, H., Emission of magmatic he with different he-3/he-4 ratios from the unzen volcanic area, japan, Geochem. J., 27, 251--259, 1993.
  • Kita, I., Nitta, K., Nagao, K., Taguchi, S., Koga, A., Difference in n2 ar ratio of magmatic gases from northeast and southwest japan - new evidence for different states of plate subduction, Geology, 21, 391--394, 1993.
  • Kitaoka, K., Yusa, Y., Kamiyama, K., Ohsawa, S., Stewart, M.K., Kusakabe, M., Migration processes of geothermal fluids in the Beppu geothermal system, Japan, estimated from stable isotope ratios, Chikasui Gakkaishi (Bull. Japnese Assoc. Groundwater Hydrology), 35, 287--305, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Koeberl, C., Hartung, J.B., Kunk, M.J., Klein, J., Matsuda, J., Nagao, K., Reimold, W.U., Storzer, D., The age of the roter kamm impact crater, namibia - constraints from ar-40-ar-39, k-ar, rb-sr, fission-track, and be-10 al-26 studies, Meteoritics, 28, 204--212, 1993.
  • Kusakabe, M., Shinohara, H., Matsuo memorial issue - magmatic volatiles and volcanic discharges - preface, Geochem. J., 27, 181--183, 1993.
  • Makishima, A., Masuda, A., Primordial ce isotopic composition of the solar-system, Chem. Geol., 106, 197--205, 1993.
  • Makishima, A., Nakamura, E., Review in zirconology. I. Progress in U-Pb dating of zircon,J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol., 88, 499--516, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Makishima, A., Nakamura, E., Review in zirconology. II. Saturation and REE partitioning of accessory minerals, J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol., 88, 533--547, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Makishima, A., Nakamura, E., Akimoto, S., Campbell, I.H., Hill, R.I., New constraints on the la-138 beta-decay constant based on a geochronological study of granites from the yilgarn block, western-australia, Chem. Geol., 104, 293--300, 1993.
  • Matsuda, J., Sudo, M., Ozima, M., Ito, K., Ohtaka, O., Ito, E., Noble-gas partitioning between metal and silicate under high- pressures, Science, 259, 788--790, 1993.
  • Miura, Y., Nagao, K., Fujitani, T., Kr-81 terrestrial ages and grouping of yamato eucrites based on noble-gas and chemical-compositions, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 57, 1857--1866, 1993.
  • Moriguti, T., Nakamura, E., Precise lithium isotopic analysis by thermal ionization mass- spectrometry using lithium phosphate as an ion-source material, Proc. Jpn. Acad. Ser. B-Phys. Biol. Sci., 69, 123--128, 1993.
  • Moriguti,T., Nakamura,E., Ishikawa,T., Geochemistry and cosmochemistry of lithium: utility of the Liisotopes as a geochemical tracer, J. Mineral. Petrol. Econ. Geol., 88, 415--431, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Morinaga, H., Itota, C., Isezaki, N., Goto, H., Yaskawa, K., Kusakabe, M., Liu, J., Gu, Z., Yuan, B., Cong, S., O-18 and c-13 records for the last 14,000 years from lacustrine carbonates of siling-co (lake) in the qinghai-tibetan plateau, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20, 2909--2912, 1993.
  • Nagao, K., Takahashi, E., Noble-gases in the mantle wedge and lower crust - an inference from the isotopic analyses of xenoliths from oki-dogo and ichinomegata, japan, Geochem. J., 27, 229--240, 1993.
  • Nojiri, Y., Kusakabe, M., Tietze, K., Hirabayashi, J., Sato, H., Sano, Y., Shinohara, H., Njine, T., Tanyileke, G., An estimate of co2 flux in lake nyos, cameroon, Limnol. Oceanogr., 38, 739--752, 1993.
  • Ohsawa, S., Takano, B., Kusakabe, M., Watanuki, K., Variation in volcanic activity of Kusatasu-Shirane Volcano as inferred from δ34S in sulafate from the Yugama crater lake, Bull. Volcanol. Soc. Jpn., 38, 95--99, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Shimazaki, H., Kusakabe, M., Oxygen isotope study of the Tsumo Cu-Zn-Fe-W skarn deposits, Japan, Resouce Geology, 43, 245--254, 1993 (in Japanese).
  • Shuto, K., Ohki, J., Kagami, H., Yamamoto, M., Watanabe, N., Yamamoto, K., Anzai, N., Itaya, T., The relationships between drastic changes in sr isotope ratios of magma sources beneath the ne japan arc and the spreading of the japan sea back-arc basin, Mineral. Petrol., 49, 71--90, 1993.
  • Yusa, H., Akaogi, M., Ito, E., Calorimetric study of mgsio3 garnet and pyroxene - heat- capacities, transition enthalpies, and equilibrium phase- relations in mgsio3 at high-pressures and temperatures, J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, 98, 6453--6460, 1993.