Post-Conference Excursion - Daisen Volcano One-day Excursion

Saturday October 6

We will run an optional one-day excursion to Mount Daisen on Saturday, October 6.
The field trip to Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt has been canceled, due to limited interest of participants.

******* ! IMPORTANT ! *******
The participants who voted for the Mount Daisen excursion when
they registered should also make reservation for the trip at this time.

Mount Daisen is a Quaternary arc volcano situated 30 km south of the Japan Sea coast. Its elevation (1760 m) is the highest in western Honshu island. Apart from geological interest, Mount Daisen provides scenic beauty as well as historical landmark (in the middle ages, Daisen temple boasted of thousands of monk-soldiers who fought for the cause of the temple). The trip is designed as a combination geologic field trip and outdoor activity. A chartered bus will leave Kurayoshi at 8:00 A.M. and return to Kurayoshi at about 8:00 P.M. The cost of the trip includes transportation and lunch. For more details, see this link (or pdf version).

* Length: 1 day. Cost: 5,000 yen. Max. number of participants: 40.

* Start & end: Saturday, October 6, conference place (Kurayoshi).

* Field trip leader: Michael Walter and Shigeru Yamashita (ISEI, Okayama Univ.).

* Reservation: Early reservation is recommended (max. number of participants: 40). To make a reservation, please use the online reservation form or send your personal information by e-mail to:

* Payment: Payments can be accepted only in Japanese yen at the registration desk of the conference place. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit card payments or payments in foreign currency.

* Hotel accommodation - October 6: The participants may need another one night of hotel accommodation at Kurayoshi. We have secured 40 rooms at Hotel St. Palace Kurayoshi, for the night of October 6. The room rate (including breakfast & tax) will be 6800 (single) - 13140 yen (double). To make a reservation, please use the online reservation form or send e-mail to:

* Tips: A moderately rigorous hike is required to see a spectacular view from the peak of Mount Daisen. Good foot wear for rough terrain is essential. Though we hope fine weather it may be wet, so water gears is also essential

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Field trip || Meeting place || How to reach Kurayoshi || Presentation || Social program